Are you looking for the most effective filter for the HVAC system in your Melbourne, FL home? If so, pay attention to your filter’s MERV rating. A MERV rating helps you determine a filter’s effectiveness. Of course, the rating you should choose depends on your indoor air quality needs and HVAC system requirements.

What is a MERV Rating?

MERV is an acronym for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. It’s a scale designed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, or ASHRAE, to rate the effectiveness of filters. The higher MERV rating a filter has, the more capable it is at capturing smaller particles.

What MERV Rating Do You Need?

Most homes need a filter with a MERV rating between 6 and 13. Filters with ratings in this range function similarly to HEPA filters. Like HEPA filters, MERV filters trap dust particles, pollen, dust mites, and other particulates, improving the air quality of your home.

Why Are MERV Ratings Important?

MERV ratings are important because they tell you how effective a filter is. If you’re looking for an affordable MERV-rated filter and no one in your household has breathing issues, you might opt for a MERV 6. If someone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma, you may consider a MERV 13 filter. Filters with a MERV 13 rating trap a higher range of particulates, including viruses and bacteria. A service technician can help you choose a filter that will allow for maximum airflow through your HVAC system.

Considerations When Choosing a MERV Rating

Lower-rated MERV filters are less efficient at capturing smaller particles, but they allow more air to pass through. Lower-rated filters may improve the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Therefore, you should weigh your HVAC system’s needs with your indoor air quality requirements.

Filters with higher MERV ratings should be changed often to avoid restricting airflow and causing your HVAC system to work inefficiently.

To learn more about MERV ratings and how to choose the most effective filter for your HVAC system, contact Bencraft Mechanical Services at (321) 978-0927.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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