Your refrigerant plays a critical role in your air conditioning system, but until now, only HVAC technicians paid attention to it. With the government phasing out the most popular refrigerant, R-22, home and business owners in Mims, FL are scrambling to catch up. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Is R-22 Being Phased Out?

R-22 is a synthetic chemical (hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFC) that damages the ozone layer. In the 1980s, the United States joined an international agreement that outlawed the use of HCFCs. Air conditioners produced after 2010 were banned from using R-22. The government has also gradually reduced the production and import of R-22 since 2010. Starting Jan. 1, 2020, it will be illegal to produce or import.

What Does the Phase-Out Mean to You?

If your AC unit uses R-22, the phase-out ultimately means AC replacement. Our technicians can continue to service your equipment, but R-22 is becoming increasingly scarce and more costly. If your cooling system develops a refrigerant leak — or already has refrigerant problems — upgrading to a newer model makes more sense than paying for expensive repairs.

How Soon Do You Need AC Replacement?

Systems that are functioning well don’t need immediate replacement. If your AC unit is nearing the end of its life expectancy (12 to 15 years), or if you’re already calling for AC repairs, now is a smart time to consider a replacement. Taking action sooner rather than later means you avoid price hikes and service interruptions that come with market supply and demand. For business owners, a limited 179 deduction allows you to write off the entire purchase price of a new system at once, saving thousands of dollars in taxes.

If you’re ready to consider an AC replacement, check out the air conditioning installation services we offer at Benchcraft Mechanical Services Inc. or call (321) 978-0927. We’re happy to provide more information about the R-22 phase-out so that you can make smart decisions.

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