In contrast to conventional heating and cooling systems, a ductless mini-split or multi-split system does not require ductwork in order to function. However, these heating and cooling systems may not be the best choice for every space. So, how do you determine whether a ductless mini-split or multi-split system will work well for your Titusville, FL home?

How Does a Ductless Mini-Split Function?

A ductless air conditioner consists of three main components: an indoor air-handling unit, an outdoor compressor, and a thermostat. The indoor air handling unit is responsible for delivering conditioned air directly into your living spaces.

Unlike the traditional heating and cooling units that use ductwork, ductless components connect to one another via a conduit containing tubing, electrical wires, a condensate drain line, and a refrigerant line. Ductless mini-splits and multi-splits are a versatile option for heating and cooling your home. The following reasons will help you decide whether ductless AC is right for your space.

Does Your Home Already Have Good Ductwork?

If your home already has the right ductwork, you might want to stick with the ducted air conditioning unit. However, if your home’s heating and cooling demands have changed, you could find that adding ducts is too complicated or expensive. If this is the case, ductless systems are a good option because of its flexibility.

A technician only needs to drill a small hole through the wall to connect to both the outdoor and indoor units. These systems are also are an excellent alternative if you currently use electric baseboard units or space heaters.

Type of Building orSpace

Ductless mini-splits and multi-splits are affordable and efficient for new construction projects that offer limited space. They are also great for home renovations that would otherwise require you to upgrade your HVAC equipment and ductwork. Many older buildings do not have room for ductwork, making them good candidates for ductless HVAC. What’s more, these systems are ideal for converted areas like enclosed porches, garages, basements, and attics.

Energy Efficiency

Ductless HVAC systems are ultra-energy-efficient units. Therefore, if you are spending too much on your energy bills, upgrading to a ductless solution is a good option. Removing ductwork from the equation eliminates the loss of energy due to leaks and cracks.

Conventional HVAC models can sometimes be pretty noisy, but ductless mini-splits and muti-splits feature whisper-quiet performance. If you live in the Titusville area, contact us a Bencraft Mechanical Services Inc, for ductless mini-split installation services.

Image provided by iStock

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